use crate::array::ArrayVec;
use crate::input::{InputError, MapWithInputExt};
use crate::parser::then::Then2;
use crate::parser::{ParseError, ParseResult, Parser};
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Map<P, F> {
pub(super) parser: P,
pub(super) map_fn: F,
impl<P: Parser, F: for<'i> Fn(P::Output<'i>) -> O, O> Parser for Map<P, F> {
type Output<'i> = O;
type Then<T: Parser> = Then2<Self, T>;
fn parse<'i>(&self, input: &'i [u8]) -> ParseResult<'i, Self::Output<'i>> {
match self.parser.parse(input) {
Ok((v, remaining)) => Ok(((self.map_fn)(v), remaining)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MapResult<P, F> {
pub(super) parser: P,
pub(super) map_fn: F,
impl<P: Parser, F: for<'i> Fn(P::Output<'i>) -> Result<O, &'static str>, O> Parser
for MapResult<P, F>
type Output<'i> = O;
type Then<T: Parser> = Then2<Self, T>;
fn parse<'i>(&self, input: &'i [u8]) -> ParseResult<'i, Self::Output<'i>> {
match self.parser.parse(input) {
Ok((v, remaining)) => match (self.map_fn)(v) {
Ok(mapped) => Ok((mapped, remaining)),
Err(e) => Err((ParseError::Custom(e), input)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Optional<P> {
pub(super) parser: P,
impl<P: Parser> Parser for Optional<P> {
type Output<'i> = Option<P::Output<'i>>;
type Then<T: Parser> = Then2<Self, T>;
fn parse<'i>(&self, input: &'i [u8]) -> ParseResult<'i, Self::Output<'i>> {
match self.parser.parse(input) {
Ok((v, remaining)) => Ok((Some(v), remaining)),
Err(_) => Ok((None, input)),
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RepeatN<const N: usize, P, S> {
pub(super) parser: P,
pub(super) separator: S,
impl<const N: usize, P: for<'i> Parser<Output<'i>: Copy + Default>, S: Parser> Parser
for RepeatN<N, P, S>
type Output<'i> = [P::Output<'i>; N];
type Then<T: Parser> = Then2<Self, T>;
fn parse<'i>(&self, mut input: &'i [u8]) -> ParseResult<'i, Self::Output<'i>> {
let mut output = [P::Output::default(); N];
for (i, item) in output.iter_mut().enumerate() {
match self.parser.parse(input) {
Ok((v, remaining)) => {
*item = v;
input = remaining;
Err(e) => return Err(e),
if i < N - 1 {
match self.separator.parse(input) {
Ok((_, remaining)) => input = remaining,
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((output, input))
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RepeatArrayVec<const N: usize, P, S> {
pub(super) parser: P,
pub(super) separator: S,
pub(super) min_elements: usize,
impl<const N: usize, P: for<'i> Parser<Output<'i>: Copy + Default>, S: Parser> Parser
for RepeatArrayVec<N, P, S>
type Output<'i> = ArrayVec<P::Output<'i>, N>;
type Then<T: Parser> = Then2<Self, T>;
fn parse<'i>(&self, mut input: &'i [u8]) -> ParseResult<'i, Self::Output<'i>> {
let mut output = ArrayVec::new();
let err = loop {
let (v, remaining) = match self.parser.parse(input) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(err) => break err,
let consumed = input.len() - remaining.len();
assert!(consumed > 0, "parsing item consumed no input");
if output.push(v).is_err() {
return Err((ParseError::ExpectedLessItems(N), input));
input = remaining;
match self.separator.parse(input) {
Ok((_, remaining)) => input = remaining,
Err(err) => break err,
if output.len() >= self.min_elements {
Ok((output, input))
} else {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RepeatVec<P, S> {
pub(super) parser: P,
pub(super) separator: S,
pub(super) min_elements: usize,
impl<P: Parser, S: Parser> RepeatVec<P, S> {
fn helper<'i>(
mut input: &'i [u8],
consume_all: bool,
) -> ParseResult<'i, Vec<P::Output<'i>>> {
let mut output = Vec::new();
let err = loop {
let (v, remaining) = match self.parser.parse(input) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(err) => break err,
let consumed = input.len() - remaining.len();
assert!(consumed > 0, "parsing item consumed no input");
if consume_all && output.is_empty() {
output.reserve(((remaining.len() / consumed) * 7 / 5) + 2);
input = remaining;
match self.separator.parse(input) {
Ok((_, remaining)) => input = remaining,
Err(err) => break err,
if (consume_all && !input.is_empty()) || output.len() < self.min_elements {
} else {
Ok((output, input))
impl<P: Parser, S: Parser> Parser for RepeatVec<P, S> {
type Output<'i> = Vec<P::Output<'i>>;
type Then<T: Parser> = Then2<Self, T>;
fn parse<'i>(&self, input: &'i [u8]) -> ParseResult<'i, Self::Output<'i>> {
self.helper(input, false)
fn parse_complete<'i>(&self, input: &'i str) -> Result<Self::Output<'i>, InputError> {
match self.helper(input.as_bytes(), true).map_with_input(input)? {
(v, []) => Ok(v),
(_, remaining) => Err(InputError::new(input, remaining, "expected end of input")),
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Or<A, B> {
pub(super) first: A,
pub(super) second: B,
impl<A: Parser, B: for<'i> Parser<Output<'i> = A::Output<'i>>> Parser for Or<A, B> {
type Output<'i> = A::Output<'i>;
type Then<T: Parser> = Then2<Self, T>;
reason = "required for parsing of long or chains to be inlined"
fn parse<'i>(&self, input: &'i [u8]) -> ParseResult<'i, Self::Output<'i>> {
match self.first.parse(input) {
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
Err((err1, remaining1)) => match self.second.parse(input) {
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
Err((err2, remaining2)) => {
Err(if remaining1.len() <= remaining2.len() {
(err1, remaining1)
} else {
(err2, remaining2)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct WithConsumed<P> {
pub(super) parser: P,
impl<P: Parser> Parser for WithConsumed<P> {
type Output<'i> = (P::Output<'i>, &'i [u8]);
type Then<T: Parser> = Then2<Self, T>;
fn parse<'i>(&self, input: &'i [u8]) -> ParseResult<'i, Self::Output<'i>> {
match self.parser.parse(input) {
Ok((v, remaining)) => Ok(((v, &input[..input.len() - remaining.len()]), remaining)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct WithPrefix<A, B> {
pub(super) parser: A,
pub(super) prefix: B,
impl<A: Parser, B: Parser> Parser for WithPrefix<A, B> {
type Output<'i> = A::Output<'i>;
type Then<T: Parser> = Then2<Self, T>;
fn parse<'i>(&self, input: &'i [u8]) -> ParseResult<'i, Self::Output<'i>> {
match self.prefix.parse(input) {
Ok((_, remaining)) => self.parser.parse(remaining),
Err(e) => Err(e),
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct WithSuffix<A, B> {
pub(super) parser: A,
pub(super) suffix: B,
impl<A: Parser, B: Parser> Parser for WithSuffix<A, B> {
type Output<'i> = A::Output<'i>;
type Then<T: Parser> = Then2<Self, T>;
fn parse<'i>(&self, input: &'i [u8]) -> ParseResult<'i, Self::Output<'i>> {
match self.parser.parse(input) {
Ok((v, remaining1)) => match self.suffix.parse(remaining1) {
Ok((_, remaining2)) => Ok((v, remaining2)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
Err(e) => Err(e),