use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
use std::sync::Mutex;
use utils::multithreading;
use utils::number::mod_pow;
use utils::prelude::*;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Day15 {
batches: BTreeMap<u32, BatchResults>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct BatchResults {
part1_matches: u32,
part2_a_values: Vec<u16>,
part2_b_values: Vec<u16>,
const FACTOR_A: u64 = 16807;
const FACTOR_B: u64 = 48271;
const MODULUS: u64 = 2147483647;
const PART1_PAIRS: u32 = 40_000_000;
const PART2_PAIRS: u32 = 5_000_000;
const BATCH_SIZE: u32 = 250_000; impl Day15 {
pub fn new(input: &str, _: InputType) -> Result<Self, InputError> {
let (start_a, start_b) = parser::u32()
.with_prefix("Generator A starts with ")
.then(parser::u32().with_prefix("Generator B starts with "))
let mutex = Mutex::default();
let next_index = AtomicU32::new(0);
let part2_a_count = AtomicU32::new(0);
let part2_b_count = AtomicU32::new(0);
multithreading::worker_pool(|| {
start_a as u64,
start_b as u64,
Ok(Self {
batches: mutex.into_inner().unwrap(),
pub fn part1(&self) -> u32 {
.map(|(_, BatchResults { part1_matches, .. })| part1_matches)
pub fn part2(&self) -> u32 {
let a_values = self
.flat_map(|BatchResults { part2_a_values, .. }| part2_a_values.iter().copied());
let b_values = self
.flat_map(|BatchResults { part2_b_values, .. }| part2_b_values.iter().copied());
.take(PART2_PAIRS as usize)
.filter(|&(a, b)| a == b)
.count() as u32
fn values_worker(
start_a: u64,
start_b: u64,
mutex: &Mutex<BTreeMap<u32, BatchResults>>,
next_index: &AtomicU32,
part2_a_count: &AtomicU32,
part2_b_count: &AtomicU32,
) {
loop {
let start_index = next_index.fetch_add(BATCH_SIZE, Ordering::AcqRel);
let part2_a_finished = part2_a_count.load(Ordering::Acquire) >= PART2_PAIRS;
let part2_b_finished = part2_b_count.load(Ordering::Acquire) >= PART2_PAIRS;
if start_index >= PART1_PAIRS && part2_a_finished && part2_b_finished {
let mut part1_matches = 0;
let mut part2_a_values = Vec::with_capacity(if part2_a_finished { 0 } else { 65536 });
let mut part2_b_values = Vec::with_capacity(if part2_b_finished { 0 } else { 32768 });
let mut a = start_a * mod_pow(FACTOR_A, start_index as u64, MODULUS);
let mut b = start_b * mod_pow(FACTOR_B, start_index as u64, MODULUS);
for _ in 0..BATCH_SIZE {
a = (a * FACTOR_A) % MODULUS;
b = (b * FACTOR_B) % MODULUS;
if a as u16 == b as u16 {
part1_matches += 1;
if !part2_a_finished && a % 4 == 0 {
part2_a_values.push(a as u16);
if !part2_b_finished && b % 8 == 0 {
part2_b_values.push(b as u16);
part2_a_count.fetch_add(part2_a_values.len() as u32, Ordering::AcqRel);
part2_b_count.fetch_add(part2_b_values.len() as u32, Ordering::AcqRel);
let mut batches_guard = mutex.lock().unwrap();
BatchResults {
examples!(Day15 -> (u32, u32) [
{input: "Generator A starts with 65\nGenerator B starts with 8921", part1: 588, part2: 309},