use utils::number::chinese_remainder;
use utils::point::Point2D;
use utils::prelude::*;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Day14 {
robots: Vec<Robot>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct Robot {
position: Point2D<i32>,
velocity: Point2D<i32>,
const WIDTH: i32 = 101;
const HEIGHT: i32 = 103;
impl Day14 {
pub fn new(input: &str, _: InputType) -> Result<Self, InputError> {
Ok(Self {
robots: parser::number_range(0..=WIDTH - 1)
.then(parser::number_range(0..=HEIGHT - 1).with_prefix(","))
.then(parser::i32().with_prefix(" v="))
.map(|(px, py, vx, vy)| Robot {
position: Point2D::new(px, py),
velocity: Point2D::new(vx, vy),
pub fn part1(&self) -> u64 {
let mut counts = [0; 4];
for &(mut r) in self.robots.iter() {
r.position += r.velocity * 100;
r.position.x = r.position.x.rem_euclid(WIDTH);
r.position.y = r.position.y.rem_euclid(HEIGHT);
if r.position.x == WIDTH / 2 || r.position.y == HEIGHT / 2 {
let mut quadrant = 0;
if r.position.x > WIDTH / 2 {
quadrant += 2;
if r.position.y > HEIGHT / 2 {
quadrant += 1;
counts[quadrant] += 1;
pub fn part2(&self) -> u32 {
let a = (0..WIDTH)
.find(|&t| {
let mut columns = [0u8; WIDTH as usize];
for r in &self.robots {
let col = (r.position.x + r.velocity.x * t).rem_euclid(WIDTH);
columns[col as usize] += 1;
columns.iter().any(|&b| b >= 30)
.expect("expected a time to have more than 30 robots in a column");
let b = (0..HEIGHT)
.find(|&t| {
let mut rows = [0u8; HEIGHT as usize];
for r in &self.robots {
let row = (r.position.y + r.velocity.y * t).rem_euclid(HEIGHT);
rows[row as usize] += 1;
rows.iter().any(|&b| b >= 30)
.expect("expected a time to have more than 30 robots in a row");
chinese_remainder([a, b], [WIDTH, HEIGHT]).unwrap() as u32
examples!(Day14 -> (u32, u32) []);