
Macro multiversion

macro_rules! multiversion {
        use {$($($path:ident::)+*),*};

        #[dyn_dispatch = $dispatch:path]
        $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $name:ident($($arg_name:ident: $arg_type:ty),*$(,)?) $(-> $ret:ty)? $body:block

    ) => { ... };
        use {$($($path:ident::)+*),*};

    ) => { ... };
    (fastest($name:ident())) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta #[inline(always)] $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis const $n:ident: $ty:ty = $e:expr; $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $t22:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $t22:tt $t23:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $t22:tt $t23:tt $t24:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $t22:tt $t23:tt $t24:tt $t25:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $t22:tt $t23:tt $t24:tt $t25:tt $t26:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $t22:tt $t23:tt $t24:tt $t25:tt $t26:tt $t27:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $t22:tt $t23:tt $t24:tt $t25:tt $t26:tt $t27:tt $t28:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $t22:tt $t23:tt $t24:tt $t25:tt $t26:tt $t27:tt $t28:tt $t29:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $t22:tt $t23:tt $t24:tt $t25:tt $t26:tt $t27:tt $t28:tt $t29:tt $t30:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@helper $t:meta $(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis fn $n:ident $t0:tt $t1:tt $t2:tt $t3:tt $t4:tt $t5:tt $t6:tt $t7:tt $t8:tt $t9:tt $t10:tt $t11:tt $t12:tt $t13:tt $t14:tt $t15:tt $t16:tt $t17:tt $t18:tt $t19:tt $t20:tt $t21:tt $t22:tt $t23:tt $t24:tt $t25:tt $t26:tt $t27:tt $t28:tt $t29:tt $t30:tt $t31:tt $b:block $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro to generate multiversioned functions.

This macro generates multiple versions of the provided functions, each optimized for different hardware, as well as dynamic dispatch functions which select the best version to use at runtime based on feature support.

This allows using instruction set extensions such as AVX2 if the binary is run on a compatible processor, without enabling it at compile time, which would create a binary which can’t be run on processors without AVX2 support.

The first three rules are supported:

  1. The first rule matches a dynamic dispatch function, optionally followed by extra private helper functions. Dynamic dispatch is controlled at runtime by supplying a path to a LazyLock containing a Version value in the dyn_dispatch attribute.

  2. The second rule matches library functions without a dynamic dispatch function.

  3. The third rule takes a name of a library function generated using the second rule and expands to a LazyLock evaluating to the fastest version, unless a global override is set using Version::set_override. The return value is intended to be stored in a static item for use in a dyn_dispatch attribute.

The first two rules start with a use statement which can be used for wildcard imports of multiversioned libraries. Each path will be expanded to include the version’s name - e.g. the avx2 version will expand use {utils::simd::*}; into use {utils::simd::avx2::*};. Other imports should be outside the macro invocation.

Supported function syntax is limited as this is a declarative macro. Dynamic dispatch functions are the most limited, supporting only basic arguments and optionally a return type. Library functions may have complex definitions including generics, up to the maximum supported number of token trees per function definition.

Versions enabling additional features require the unsafe crate feature to be enabled, as features are enabled using the target_feature attribute, which requires functions to be marked as unsafe. A safe fallback version will always be generated.

See crate::md5 as an example.