Crate utils

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Common utilities used by the aoc and year crates.


  • Array helpers.
  • Bit manipulation helpers.
  • Items for representing days, years and dates.
  • Graph helpers.
  • Grid helpers.
  • Items relating to puzzle input.
  • Implementation of the MD5 hash function.
  • Multithreading helpers.
  • Implementation of multiversion! macro.
  • Traits for using numbers as generic data types.
  • Parser combinator library.
  • 2D & 3D point implementations.
  • Standard imports for puzzle solutions.
  • SIMD vector implementations.


  • Macro to generate a list of examples, implement PuzzleExamples and add example tests.
  • Macro to generate multiversioned functions.
  • Macro to define a parser for one or more string literals, mapping the results.
  • Macro to define a custom parser using a match inspired parse tree syntax.
  • Version of the puzzles! macro generated by year! which appends no extra arguments.
  • Macro to generate the crate root for each year crate, implementing common items.


  • Common trait implemented by puzzles to provide Year and Day.
  • Trait implemented by puzzles to provide example inputs and answers.