
Macro year

macro_rules! year {
    ($year:literal => $crate_name:ident, $dollar:tt{$(
        $day:literal => $day_mod:ident::$day_struct:ident$(<$lifetime:lifetime>)?,
    )+}) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro to generate the crate root for each year crate, implementing common items.

For each day, the module is declared, the struct re-exported and the Puzzle trait implemented.

A puzzle! macro is defined and exported, which takes one or more callback macro paths and a list of arguments captured as tt fragments. The macro expands to calling the first callback with the remaining callback paths and the provided arguments followed by the year number, crate name and a list of day numbers and structs. These macros are then chained across all year crates to implement aoc::all_puzzles!.

Running cargo xtask update will automatically update the list of days inside macro invocations in files matching crates/year????/src/lib.rs.


utils::year!(2015 => year2015, ${
    1 => day01::Day01,
    2 => day02::Day02,