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Solutions for Advent of Code 2017
- Macro which supplies a list of implemented puzzle solutions in this crate.
- 2017 Day 1: Adding matching digits.
- 2017 Day 2: Calculating spreadsheet checksums.
- 2017 Day 3: Calculating spiral patterns.
- 2017 Day 4: Checking passphrase validity.
- 2017 Day 5: Counting steps through a maze of jump instructions.
- 2017 Day 6: Finding cycles.
- 2017 Day 7: Finding the unbalanced subtree.
- 2017 Day 8: Evaluating conditional add instructions.
- 2017 Day 9: Parsing a nested structure.
- 2017 Day 10: Implementing a custom hash function.
- 2017 Day 11: Calculating distances in a hexagonal grid.
- 2017 Day 12: Finding connected components in a graph.
- 2017 Day 13: Finding the gap in the firewall.
- 2017 Day 14: Finding connected regions in a hash-derived grid.
- 2017 Day 15: Comparing numbers from two simple random number generators.
- 2017 Day 16: Composing permutations.
- 2017 Day 17: Simulating a circular buffer.
- 2017 Day 18: Interpreting assembly, with message passing between instances.
- 2017 Day 19: Following a path.
- 2017 Day 20: Simulating colliding particles.
- 2017 Day 21: Iteratively applying pixel transformations.
- 2017 Day 22: Simulating virus spread through a grid.
- 2017 Day 23: Interpreting assembly to count composite numbers.